Country codes

Alphabetical list of country codes,
sorted according to the name of the corresponding country:

Country Country code TLD Local time
1. Falkland Islands +500 011500 fk 04:25
2. Belize +501 011501 bz 01:25 Area Codes Belize
3. Guatemala +502 011502 gt 01:25
4. El Salvador +503 011503 sv 01:25 Area Codes El Salvador
5. Honduras +504 011504 hn 01:25
6. Nicaragua +505 011505 ni 01:25
7. Costa Rica +506 011506 cr 01:25 Area Codes Costa Rica
8. Panama +507 011507 pa 02:25 Area Codes Panama
9. Saint Pierre & Miquelon +508 011508 pm 04:25
10. Haiti +509 011509 ht 02:25
11. Peru +51 01151 pe 02:25 Area Codes Peru
12. Mexico +52 01152 mx 23:25 - 02:25 Area Codes Mexico
13. Cuba +53 01153 cu 02:25 Area Codes Cuba
14. Argentina +54 01154 ar 04:25 Area Codes Argentina
15. Brazil +55 01155 br 02:25 - 04:25 Area Codes Brazil
16. Chile +56 01156 cl 04:25 Area Codes Chile
17. Easter Island +56 32 01156 32 cl 02:25
18. Colombia +57 01157 co 02:25 Area Codes Colombia
19. Venezuela +58 01158 ve 03:25 Area Codes Venezuela
20. Guadeloupe +590 011590 gp 03:25
21. Saint-Barthélemy +590 011590 gp 03:25 - 03:25
22. Bolivia +591 011591 bo 03:25 Area Codes Bolivia
23. Guyana +592 011592 gy 03:25
24. Ecuador +593 011593 ec 02:25 Area Codes Ecuador
25. Galapagos +593 011593 ec 01:25 - 01:25
26. French Guiana +594 011594 gf 04:25
27. Paraguay +595 011595 py 04:25 Area Codes Paraguay
28. Martinique +596 011596 mq 18:25
29. Suriname +597 011597 sr 04:25 Area Codes Suriname
30. Uruguay +598 011598 uy 04:25 Area Codes Uruguay
31. Netherlands Antilles +599 011599 an 3:25
32. Saint Eustatius +599 3 011599 3 an 3:25
33. Saba +599 4 011599 4 an 3:25
34. Bonaire +599 7 011599 7 an 03:25
35. Curaçao +599 9 011599 9 an 03:25

Instructions for use: Country codes for international telephone calls are similar to the local area codes for a city when calling within the country. Of course, this does not mean that the local area codes can be omitted for phone calls to foreign countries. For international calls, one has to start by dialing the Country code that usually begins with 011, then the national area code, however, generally without the characteristic leading zero, and finally, like usual, the number of the person you want to reach. Therefore, the number used to make a call within Falkland Islands 03109 3416362996 will become 011500.3109.3416362996 for calls coming from Austria, Switzerland or another country.

Country codes