Country codes

Alphabetical list of country codes,
sorted according to the name of the corresponding country:

Country Country code TLD Local time
1. Iceland +354 011354 is 06:55
2. India +91 01191 in 12:25 Area Codes India
3. Indonesia +62 01162 id 13:55 - 15:55 Area Codes Indonesia
4. Iran +98 01198 ir 10:25 Area Codes Iran
5. Iraq +964 011964 iq 09:55 Area Codes Iraq
6. Ireland +353 011353 ie 07:55 Area Codes Ireland
7. Isle of Man +44 1624 01144 1624 im 07:55
8. Israel +972 011972 il 09:55 Area Codes Israel
9. Italy +39 01139 it 08:55 Area Codes Italy
10. Ivory Coast +225 011225 ci 06:55 Area Codes Ivory Coast

Instructions for use: Country codes for international telephone calls are similar to the local area codes for a city when calling within the country. Of course, this does not mean that the local area codes can be omitted for phone calls to foreign countries. For international calls, one has to start by dialing the Country code that usually begins with 011, then the national area code, however, generally without the characteristic leading zero, and finally, like usual, the number of the person you want to reach. Therefore, the number used to make a call within Iceland 01023 2649641004 will become 011354.1023.2649641004 for calls coming from Austria, Switzerland or another country.

Country codes